Forever fosters
From time to time we become responsible for dogs with medical issues or special circumstances for which they are best suited to remain in care with a foster family. In these cases, this means ongoing care, veterinary visits, special dietary needs along with the joys of providing love for a foster pup. Alberta Homeward Hound Rescue Bureau relies solely on donations and fundraising.
Your generosity goes a long way for all our rescues, whether they're forever fosters or adoptable pups. We are pleased to introduce our forever fosters:
Your generosity goes a long way for all our rescues, whether they're forever fosters or adoptable pups. We are pleased to introduce our forever fosters:
Supporting Forever Fosters is a collective effort. To sustain the well-being of these special canines, we rely on the generosity of the general public and businesses. Your donations contribute to their care, covering expenses like food, medical treatments, and rehabilitation efforts. By sponsoring Forever Fosters, you play a vital role in ensuring these animals receive the support they need to lead comfortable and fulfilling lives.
Through CanadaHelps you can easily choose the monetary amount to donate as a one time or monthly donation and receive an instant tax receipt. Listed below are the monthly expenses that each forever foster requires. We could not do this without the amazing dog loving community members like you. If you are able to donate monthly, please use the link below.
CRA Registered. 771184900RR0001
Oscar's Needs
When we first saw Oscar, the senior bulldog, was looking for a foster home, we jumped on the opportunity, thinking he would be a perfect fit for us since we had lost our senior dog a year before. We brought him home expecting all to go well, but within minutes of him being at our home, we came to the conclusion that he probably wouldn't be able to stay. He and our 16-year-old cat did NOT get along. We agreed to keep Oscar until another suitable foster family with no pets came up. During this stressful time, there were a lot of tears, a lot of heart-to-heart talks with Oscar to get along with the cat, and lots of calls and texts from numerous people at AHHRB guiding us through. We wanted Oscar to feel unconditional love when he needed it the most so we worked very hard with him and are happy to say that the cat and him are now best friends. We have since introduced Oscar to our Grandpuppy Benson, a three-year-old Cockapoo, and after a week, they are also now friends. Oscar is 50 lbs of love; he is happiest when snuggling his mom and dad on the heated blanket or following us around the house. He is full of personality and wants love, attention, and food. Oscar takes his daily meds like a champ, and even though Oscar has allergies that cause skin conditions and ear infections, he is still a happy-go-lucky boy. Oscar will know love and protection for the rest of his days with us, and our hearts couldn't be more thankful that he will be our forever foster. |
Davey's Needs
Davey has made huge strides (and sometimes small and tentative ones, and the occasional step backwards) since he came to us six months ago. He has gone from huddling and hiding his face in the back of his kennel to cautiously greeting strangers with a sniff, accepting pets from his foster family, offering a paw in exchange for a treat, and even cuddling sometimes (as long as he can do it on his own terms). He is a very smart boy and learns quickly, but learning to trust hasn’t been easy for him, and he still works at it every day. With care from Summerside Veterinary Hospital, his inflamed eyes and the sores on his nose have healed up wonderfully, which is especially good because now that he is gaining the confidence to start exploring and investigating, it’s important to have a healthy nose to stick into all kinds of interesting things! Baths, kisses on the head, and going out for walks are still some way down the road, but we are confident he will get there, and that someday his foster brothers will succeed in getting him to play. In the meantime, David enjoys ear scratches, hot dogs, and burrowing under blankets, and he even has a job at Little Blue Fibre Studio as a greeter!
Gus' Needs
Gus. Goose. Gustavo. My big handsome boy. He is the whirlwind we've been waiting for but didn't realize it. Gus is the sweetest and most beautiful boy I have ever met, he instantly stole my (and my families) heart(s). How could he not? He gives the best kisses, the coziest 100lb snuggs, gallops like a deer, his jump vert is unmatched (it is the funniest thing I have ever seen), and his tail never stops, and will do ANYTHING for a lung treat. This boy is my shadow and has made my life infinitely better in the short time he has been with us. I couldn't imagine a world without him. Thankfully, I don't have to |
Asher's Needs:
Silly, goofy, lovable couch potato. Asher was found dumped after he was supposedly given to someone else by his previous "owner". This sweet boy was placed in a foster home and it was simply not the proper environment for him to heal in. He was having big feelings and deemed " a danger to the public". This couldn't have been further from the truth. He was returned to bylaw with no place to go and was so close to having his life taken away. Asher was dropped off at my dog boarding facility to give him a second chance in life. He was loopy from his current medications and a bit wary at first but with modifications to his meds, some love and patience this boy has flourished with so much potential to becoming a great companion. From a pup that didn't seem to know what true affection was and wasn't sure what to do with a toy is now seeking out pets, cuddles and engaging in fetch, tug, keep away and will even rough house from time to time. |
He loves long line walk in secluded areas, watching squirrels and is always up for a good peanut butter kong or lick mat. He also loves sniffing for treats in the grass and treats puzzles.
Asher has a bit of a road ahead of him to gain some extra confidence out in the big world and learn how to trust more people but I have no doubt he will be able to find the perfect family for him down the line and those people will have hit the jackpot.
Asher has a bit of a road ahead of him to gain some extra confidence out in the big world and learn how to trust more people but I have no doubt he will be able to find the perfect family for him down the line and those people will have hit the jackpot.
[ban - dit] - noun Handsome boy | Distinguished Gentleman | Dapper Dude | Snuggle Bug | Gentle Giant Sweet Senior Bandit came to us after he was surrendered by his owner with his sister, and his first foster home didn’t work out. He was pretty upset about the life changes in his senior years and his mournful howls filled the night. He was only supposed be with us until another foster home could found, but he knew otherwise. |
It took him no time to make himself at home, just fitting into our life. He spends his days snoring loudly at my feet while I’m in meetings and following me around like a shadow. He takes his job as our protector very seriously, he is never far from one of us. He has a big woof, but he’s a total softie. He enjoys his walks and is a perfect gentleman on leash. He loves his social walks on the trails. He developed a bond with our pup and has become the best big brother to her. She keeps him acting like a pup and he is a calming influence on her. He has taken on the role of cat police, ensuring we are aware whenever our cat is into something he shouldn’t be.
He claimed his spot (half the couch) and decided we were his people and he wasn’t going anywhere - and we couldn’t imagine our lives without him. So he can put his feet up and enjoy his golden years in comfort, with all the beef liver treats he likes.
He claimed his spot (half the couch) and decided we were his people and he wasn’t going anywhere - and we couldn’t imagine our lives without him. So he can put his feet up and enjoy his golden years in comfort, with all the beef liver treats he likes.